
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fedora 17 - Custom Spins, Continued

This is a continuation of my previous post regarding creating custom live media.  The previous post dealt with specifying software only from Fedora's repositories.  This installment furthers the live media effort to include software from third party repositories, as well as some custom tweaking

Note that if you choose to distribute this media, you should be aware of any licensing issues from the third party repositories.

Let's get on with it!

Create Your Kickstart File

Next, create your kickstart file.  I'll call mine giltner-livedvd-kde-multimedia.ks


# giltner-livedvd-kde-multimedia.ks
# Description:
# - Fedora Livecd Spin with the K Desktop Environment (KDE)
# Maintainer(s):
# - Giltner Tech <giltnertech@gmail.com>

%include fedora-livecd-kde.ks

repo --name="rpmfusion-nonfree" --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/mirrorlist?repo=nonfree-fedora-$releasever&arch=$basearch
repo --name="rpmfusion-nonfree-updates" --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/mirrorlist?repo=nonfree-fedora-updates-released-$releasever&arch=$basearch
repo --name="rpmfusion-free" --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/mirrorlist?repo=free-fedora-$releasever&arch=$basearch
repo --name="rpmfusion-free-updates" --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/mirrorlist?repo=free-fedora-updates-released-$releasever&arch=$basearch

repo --name=local --baseurl=file:///home/giltner/spin/repo
repo --name="adobe-linux-i686" --baseurl=http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/linux/i386/

#repo --name="fedora-chromium-stable" --baseurl=http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/spot/chromium-stable/fedora-$releasever/$basearch/
#repo --name="virtualbox" --baseurl=http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/rpm/fedora/$releasever/$basearch
#repo --name="livna" --mirrorlist=http://rpm.livna.org/mirrorlist


# Repo RPMs
# Installs repositories on the target system from the repos listed above


# Software from "local" repo, i.e., --basefile=file:///path/to/rpm/files
# This is a great spot to put your own RPM files, or downloaded RPM files


# Adobe - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flash


# Livna - The home of libdvdcss, that which allows DVD playback
# This repo suffers intermittent troubles. Install from local repo instead


# RPM Fusion
# Install multimed software and codecs

####totem-xine -- cannot find for some reason.

# Prepare for nVidia driver compilation
# Install now, to save downloading later



%post --nochroot

# MPlayer Multimedia Codecs
# Additional codecs. You can never have too many!

wget http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/all-20110131.tar.bz2
tar -jxvf all-20110131.tar.bz2
mkdir -p $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/local/lib/codecs
cp all-20110131/* $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/local/lib/codecs
ln -sf $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/local/lib/codecs $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/lib/codecs && ln -sf $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/local/lib/codecs $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/local/lib/win32 && ln -sf $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/local/lib/codecs $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/lib/win32
rm -f all-20100303.tar.bz2
rm -rf all-20100303

# nVidia Driver Scripts
# Handy scripts to install drivers after OS installation

mkdir $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech

cat << --nVidia1-- >> $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech/nVidia_driver_1
echo The nVidia driver scripts will install the proprietary nVidia drivers.
echo This first script will update selinux, and install the PAE kernel.
echo Press Enter to continue, or Ctlr-C to exit.
read $Dummy
yum -y update selinux-policy\*
yum -y install kernel-PAE
echo You must now reboot your system to activate the new kernel
echo before continuing with the next stage.

cat << --nVidia2-- >> $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech/nVidia_driver_2
echo The nVidia driver scripts will install the proprietary nVidia drivers.
echo This second script will install kernel headers, nVidia drivers, backup
echo the existing initramfs image, and create a new initram image.
echo Press Enter to continue, or Ctlr-C to exit.
read $Dummy

yum install kernel-PAE-devel akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686
mv /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r)-nouveau.img
dracut /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)
echo You must now reboot your system.  The driver should be installed and working.

chmod 755 $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech/nVidia_driver_1
chmod 755 $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech/nVidia_driver_2

# Virtualbox
# Need to install VirtualBox after OS is installed on target

cat << --virtualBox-- >> $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech/installVirtualbox_4.1
echo This script will download the VirtualBox repo file, GPG key, and install VirtualBox.
echo Press Enter to continue, or Ctlr-C to exit.
read $Dummy

rpm --import  http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc
wget http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/rpm/fedora/virtualbox.repo
mv virtualbox.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
chmod 644 /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualbox.repo
echo Repository installed.  Continuing with installation.
yum -y install VirtualBox-4.1

chmod 755 $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech/installVirtualbox_4.1

# Chromium Fedora People Repo

cat << --fedoraChromium-- >> $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech/installChromium
echo This script will install the FedoraPeople Chromium repo, and install the Chromium browser
echo Press Enter to continue, or Ctlr-C to exit.
read $Dummy

wget http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/spot/chromium-stable/fedora-chromium-stable.repo
mv fedora-chromium-stable.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
chmod 644 /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-chromium-stable.repo
echo Repository installed.  Continuing with installation.
yum -y install chromium.i686 chromium-ffmpegsumo.i686


chmod 755 $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech/installChromium

# Google Earth Repo

cat << --googleEarth-- >> $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech/installGoogleEarth
echo This script will install the Google signing key, Earth repo, and install Earth with dependencies
echo Press Enter to continue, or Ctlr-C to exit.
read $Dummy

rpm --import https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub

cat << --googleEarthRepo-- >> /etc/yum.repos.d/google-earth.repo

chmod 644 /etc/yum.repos.d/google-earth.repo
echo Repository installed.  Continuing with installation.
yum -y install google-earth-stable mesa-libGL.i686 bitstream-vera-fonts-common libxml2.i686 gtk2.i686 libSM.i686 qt-x11 redhat-lsb-desktop.i686 redhat-lsb-printing.i686 redhat-lsb.i686


chmod 755 $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech/installGoogleEarth

# Google Music Manager Repo

cat << --googleMusic-- >> $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech/installGoogleMusic
echo This script will install the Google signing key, Music repo, and install Music Manager
echo Press Enter to continue, or Ctlr-C to exit.
read $Dummy

rpm --import https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub

cat << --googleMusicRepo-- >> /etc/yum.repos.d/google-musicmanager.repo

chmod 644 /etc/yum.repos.d/google-musicmanager.repo
echo Repository installed.  Continuing with installation.
yum -y install google-musicmanager


chmod 755 $INSTALL_ROOT/root/GiltnerTech/installGoogleMusic


Place any RPM files you wish to include inside of the repo folder.  In my example above, I placed Autoplus, libdvdcss2, and Opera RPM files inside my local folder.

Now, let's build the image

As root, do

setenforce 0
createrepo /home/giltner/spin/repo
livecd-creator --config=/home/giltner/spin/giltner-livedvd-kde-multimedia.ks.ks --fslabel=GiltnerMultimedia --cache=/var/cache/live 

Let's take a look at the above example one section at a time.

The first several lines are comments.  You can freely modify this to suit your needs.

This line pulls in all data from the specified file.  Multiple include declarations are acceptable.  The above kickstart basically adds multimedia support on top of the Fedora KDE spin.

I happen to have a separate kickstart file that adds additional software from the official Fedora repos, called giltner-livedvd-kde.ks.  If I want to combine the two, I can change the %include line to point to my other kickstart file, which includes fedora-livecd-kde.ks.  This keeps things separate.

clearpart and part
These lines clear the partition table of the media, and resets the root partition size to that of a DVD.  It throws an error when creating the image, but appears to work just fine.

The repo lines add a repository that will be used to create the media.  Note that this does not install the repository on the live media (thus, installed system).  This merely tells livecd-tools where to pull software from for the installation.

Note the repo line named "local".  This points to a local directory from which to install RPM files from.  Here, you can create your own RPM's, or download them from the Internet and place them here manually.

This section is rather straightforward.  The only thing I did here is group software according to which repo they were installed from.

post --nochroot
This section issues commands just as you would at a terminal, and does so inside the live image, and gets transferred to the build system.  Customizations can be made here to the target system, for example, by using sed to edit existing files.

The first thing I've done in my example is to download and install additional multimedia codecs. 

The rest of this section creates bash scripts, inside a folder called GiltnerTech in root's home, to install additional software after the target system is installed.

Creation of the bash scripts is fairly simple.  Take for example the following lines.

cat << --fileExample-- >> /root/test.sh
echo Hello World!

chmod 755 $INSTALL_ROOT/root/test.sh

What happens here is cat places the everything that follows the cat line, up to but not including the --fileExample-- label, into a file called /root/test.sh.  Then, the file is marked as executable.

The file created will look like this:


echo Hello World!

This will create a nicely loaded KDE DVD with plenty of multimedia add-ons, repos configured, and some custom scripts to install more software.

More Info
Fedora, How to create and use a Live CD

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fedora 17 - Custom Spins

If you have multiple computers that you install Fedora on, custom live CD's or DVD's can be a wonderful time saver for multiple installations.  You can build upon an existing spin, or start from scratch and build your own Fedora spin from the ground up.

If you build upon an existing Fedora spin, when the next version of Fedora is released you'll be armed with a kickstart file from the old release.  The benefit here is that the list software you've installed into your live media can be easily transferred to the next Fedora release.

Note that you will need plenty of space in /var for this to complete.  For a CD, you'll need about 700MB for the install packages, 5.5 gigs for the install target, and 700mb for the ISO image.

Let's get going!

Install Software

As root,

yum -y install livecd-tools spin-kickstarts

livecd-tools contains the necessary software to create the images.

spin-kickstarts contains the official Fedora spins kickstart files.  This will be a big time saver, and give you a foundation with which to build your live CD from.  It can also be used as a reference for building your own independant kickstart files from scratch


Now that everything, including reference materials, has been installed, let's start looking at what we have

/usr/share/spin-kickstarts is where the kickstart files for Fedora spins are located.  Let's take a look at a few of the lines in the fedora-livecd-kde.ks file, which is used to build the Fedora Live KDE CD that is downloaded from the Fedora website.


%include fedora-live-kde-base.ks
%include fedora-live-minimization.ks





The first thing this kickstart file does is load two other kickstart files, using %include.  This is how I will be building my own KDE spin, by reading in the official kickstart file, and adding on from there.

Then follows the packages section located within the %packages and subsequent %end lines.  Adding packages is as simple as specifying the package name.  Remove a package my preceding the name with a dash.

The post section, located within the %post and subsequent %end lines, is for issuing commands after "installation" to the live media image is complete. 

Setup Your Build Environment, and Test

Create a directory in which to build your live media, and copy the kickstart files to this directory

mkdir ~/spin
cp /usr/share/spin-kickstarts/*ks ~/fedora_spin

Next, create your kickstart file.  I'll call mine test-livedvd-kde.ks


# test-livedvd.ks
# Description:
# - Giltner Fedora Remix
# Maintainer(s):
# - Giltner Tech <giltnertech@gmail.com>

%include fedora-livecd-kde.ks

clearpart --all
part / --size=4096 # Sets filesystem limit to a DVD, instead of CD

-calligra            #Remove Calligra

kate                 # Include text editor



Let's take a look at the above example.
  • The first several lines beginning with a hash (#) are comments.  They are there for reference.
  • Under that, is the clearpart and part lines. This clears any partitions setup inside any included file (and must come after all include lines) and sets the filesystem to a single layer DVD
  • Next is the packages section.  Here, we remove all of Calligra, and include Kate.
  • Nothing exists in the post section for this example.
Let's build the media!  (Note that SELinux must be turned off.)

As root, do

setenforce 0
livecd-creator --config=/home/giltner/spin/test-livecd-kde.ks --fslabel=Test --cache=/var/cache/live 

This process, depending on the speed of your Internet connection, can take some time.  The build process, minus download time, on my system is about an hour.  The first time I ran a small test, I didn't expect it to take as long as it did.  To that point, here is an unofficial rundown of the build process, based on my watching of the filesystem.

When the terminal is blank, or a few error lines
  1. All necessary RPM packages are downloaded to /var/cache/live.
  2. /var/tmp/imgcreate-*/install_root is prepared 
The terminal appears to be installing software
  1. The packages are installed to /var/tmp/imgcreate*/install_root.
  2. Install_root is cleaned, and moved to /var/tmp/imgcreate*/tmp-*
When the terminal pauses at 99%
  1. Contents of the ISO image are created in /var/tmp/imgcreate*/iso-*
When  percentages scroll on the screen, with estimated finish time
  1. The ISO image is created in /var/tmp/imgcreate-*/out
 And finally, when a summary is output to the terminal
  1. The ISO image is moved and renamed to /home/giltner/spin/Test.iso
  2. The /var/tmp/imgcreate* directory is removed
Note that the downloaded RPM packages are not deleted from /var/cache/live, so they can be used for the next build.

If you either burn and boot the ISO image, or boot it up in a virtual machine, you will have a Fedora KDE desktop, without Calligra, and with Kate.

Using the above, you can easily customize the installed software that resides on the live media, and thus gets installed from that media.  If you take a look at the existing kickstart files, you'll see that there's lots more that can be done!

And I'll be addressing a slightly more advanced kickstart file in my next post!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fedora 17 - Install Scanner

Fedora's live KDE disk does not ship with any scanning software.  There are two very useful programs that I use for scanning, depending on what I am scanning.

The most flexible scanning software available.  Xsane gives you fine grain control over scanning.  One very handy feature is the ability to batch scan multiple areas of your scanner, which is great for scanning photos using time-consuming high resolution settings.

Just as the name indicates.  A very simple scanner.  Place document, hit scan, and go.  The one very nice feature of simple-scan is the ability to batch scan several sheets into a single PDF file, provided you have the hardware to do so.  Many multifunction printers have an automatic document feeder feature


Before any scanning software can be used, the backend that controls the scanner must be installed.  Sane, an acronym for Scanner Access Now Easy, is just that.  Install it, and go.  Any sane compatible scanner will work.  I've had success with HP MFC printers, and I have a Canon scanner.  Both work with no issues, including the wireless HP MFC printer!

As root,

yum -y install sane-backends-drivers-scanners

You may find it necessary to unplug and re-plug in the USB cable to your scanner before trying one of the below scanning programs.


As root, with your USB scanner attached and powered up

yum -y install xsane

Simple Scan

As root,

yum -y install simple-scan